Thursday, October 31, 2024

Hot day in the Big Apple

Today's high temperature in New York City was 82 degrees Fahrenheit (27.7778 Celcius). I can't remember ever having experienced an 82-degree day in NYC on October 31. I honestly can't understand how anyone can doubt that global climate change is real.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

What’s the Truth about… “Mar Cheshvan” ?

Since we made the blessing for the new month this morning, this question came up:
What’s the Truth about… “Mar Cheshvan” ?
 (To read the footnotes, see the original article:
"By Rabbi Ari Z. Zivotofsky, Ph.D.
Misconception: The complete and correct name for the month following Tishrei is Cheshvan, and it is a quaint tradition to call it Mar Cheshvan because it is bitter (Hebrew: mar) due to its lack of holidays.
Fact: The correct name for this fall month is the one word Marcheshvan/M’rachsh’van1 (Aruch Hashulchan, Even Ha’ezer 126:17).
Background: The Bible usually refers to the months by their ordinal numbers, although occasional ancient Israelite names are also used.2 The currently used Jewish names for the months were imported from Bavel (Babylonia),3 and many of them appear in post-exilic books of the Bible.4 Some of these are derived from the names of ancient gods, such as Tammuz which is thought to come from the Assyrian Du-mu-zu, an Egyptian god, and is mentioned as the name of an idol in Ezekiel (8:14).5
Marcheshvan is probably derived from its location in the calendar. In Akkadian (Babylonian/Assyrian), “w” (vav) and “m” (mem) sounds can interchange. As a result, Marcheshvan which is from the two words “m’rach” and “shvan,” would have been “warh” and “shman,” in Akkadian, corresponding to the Hebrew “yerech shmini,” thus “eighth month.”6 In the Yemenite tradition, the name of the month is pronounced Marach-sha’wan, not Mar-cheshvan as in the Ashkenazic tradition, and this would seem to preserve a greater fidelity to the original.7
Older sources attest to the name as being the longer name Marcheshvan/M’rachshwan (as opposed to just Cheshvan). When the eighth month is mentioned in the Mishnah and Talmud, it is referred to as Marcheshvan. A few examples include: Taanit 1:3,4; Pesachim 94b; and Rosh Hashanah 7a; 11b. Throughout all of Rashi’s Biblical and Talmudic commentary, he also refers to the month as Marcheshvan. A few examples are: Rosh Hashanah 11b, s.v. v’azda l’tamahu; 16a s.v. D’miz’daran; Beitzah 40a, s.v. bir’vi’ah. The Rambam8 and Ibn Ezra (commentary to Leviticus 25:9) also use the complete name.
This misconception has halachic implications. Since the mistaken practice of simply calling the month Cheshvan is so widespread, either Cheshvan or the two word Mar Cheshvan is now acceptable, post-facto, if erroneously used in a legal document such as a get (Aruch Hashulchan, Even Ha’ezer 127:17). The Ramah (Even Ha’ezer 127:7) lists only Marcheshvan as the month’s name and does not give the halachah if one wrote either just Cheshvan or the two word Mar Cheshvan. Others even accept post-facto the Biblical name of the month, “Bul,” if it was used in a document. The Aruch Hashulchan states that the halachah is the same for the imprecise “Menachem Av” (Even Ha’ezer 127:16).9
Surprisingly, there are even customs that developed around the error. The assumption is that it is called Mar Cheshvan (the bitter Cheshvan) either due to its lack of holidays or because it is when Sarah the Matriarch died.10 Because of those negative associations, there are those who refrain from getting married in Marcheshvan (Shut Lev Chaim 2:26). The Sdei Chemed (Ma’arechet Chason v’Kallah:23) claims that this was the minhag in Jerusalem. Shulchan Ha’ezer (4:5:8) writes that in his locale people are not concerned with this and get married in Cheshvan [sic!]11
The Pri Chadash (Even Ha’ezer 126:7) offers the only explanation that I have found for calling this month by the two-word name Mar Cheshvan. He suggests that the name Mar Cheshvan is based on the fact that it is the beginning of the rainy season. The Targum translated mar as tipah, a drop, in the verse “Hen goyim k’mar midli — Behold, the nations are as a drop of [water from] a bucket” (Isaiah 40:15). As such, the name means the “rainy Cheshvan,” and far from mar meaning bitter, it connotes a month of blessed rain.12
The Bnei Yissaschar (2:56-57) relates a beautiful midrash about the future of Marcheshvan indicating that the dedication of the Third Temple will occur in Marcheshvan, removing any doubt about it being a bitter month."

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

"Conservatives’ latest attack on mifepristone is a constitutional cover for eugenics"

Got this in my email--it's shocking, but not surprising.  Read it and weep (and/or freak out).

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The "Penitential Psalm" (Psalm 27) really hit home for me this year

It starts, "For/By David (depending on your translation), HaShem ori v'yish'i, HaShem is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?"  But the third verse from the end says, "Do not abandon me to the will of my foes, for false witnesses have risen against me, breathing violence."  (This is Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' translation).  It seems to me as if everyone and their cousin is accusing Israel of genocide and hoping Israel will just lay down its arms and die.

The "Israeli cut-out": An exception that kills Israelis

Copied from Facebook:

I think it's worth thinking about something in relation to the international community's treatment of Israel. It's something that could be called the "Israeli cut-out" and it relates solely to Israel. What that means is that in all norms there is a cut-out that relates solely to Israel, an exception that is made for any group that attacks Israel.
Let's take a look.
On October 21 the IDF intercepted five UAVs over the Mediterranean. These could be considered a danger to air travel. But because the groups that launch them are against Israel, the international community has a cut-out. There is no investigation, no UN meeting, nothing.
Ships are attacked in the Red Sea. This would normally be a huge issue. Imagine commercial ships being blown up off the coast of South America by armed groups. However, because the Houthis say they are doing it against Israel, even though they target random ships and endanger the crews from all over the world, there is a cut-out and it's basically ignored. No international investigation. Nothing.
Hezbollah takes over Lebanon and stockpiles 150,000 rockets and fires thousands into Israel. However, because it is attacking Israel, it's considered completely normal. No other country is expected to live with a group like Hezbollah on its border where the terror group has more rockets than most countries. Only Israel, because of the cut-out. The cut-out even means UNIFIL is there and it does nothing to stop Hezbollah or even find even one rocket out of 150,000.
Hamas attacks Israel and kills 1,000 people and kidnaps 250. This is an unprecedented genocidal act. One of the worst single day massacres in the entirety of human history. Yet there is no real outcry, no real international condemnation. In fact many countries like Russia, China, Qatar, Turkey, Iran, South Africa, openly back Hamas. Two western allies host Hamas leaders. Again, the Israeli cut-out appears. No one would accept a similar terror attack anywhere else.
Iran attacks Israel with 180 ballistic missiles and Israel is told not to respond. 180 missiles. But there is the Israeli cut-out. No other country should be forced to have 180 missiles fall on them. Only Israel. Iran knows this and so it feels it can do this. Iran takes over half the Middle East and destroys countries while claiming to fight Israel, and because it is against Israel, the cut-out enables this. If it did this against other countries then it would be unacceptable.

Monday, October 07, 2024

From heaven to hell in less than 24 hours

We had a wonderful Rosh HaShanah and Shabbat at Adamah's Pearlstone Campus, with leaders and teachers from Hadar and its Jewish-music affiliate, the Rising Song Institute.  We prayed and sang our hearts out, and got well fed, too.  😀

And now, here we are, one day after leaving Pearlstone, commemorating the mass murders, rapes, and kidnappings of October 7, 2023.  😢

Honestly, I just don't understand it.  If the world considers bombings, which can kill civilians as well as militants, a war crime, and also considers assassinations that target terrorists specifically and minimize civilian casualties (as in the pager and walkie-talkie attacks against known Hezbollah members) a war crime, what do they mean when they say that Israel is allowed to defend itself?

A Mitzvah to Eat: for those who can't fast

Here are prayers (and, for those seeking a traditional perspective, halachic guidance) for those who can't fast.

 Prayers and Rituals for Those Who Need to Eat on Yom Kippur.

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